You may have noticed this blog has been quiet the past few weeks. Our family was going through a season which kept me physically busy and mentally drained. My youngest daughter spent the better part of May trying to get her asthma under control, which meant lots of sleepless nights for Mom. I, in turn, had a compromised immune system and ended up getting sick, just about the time my husband accompanied his father to Arizona for a risky, experimental heart surgery. I am thankful to say that all went well, and his dad is back home recuperating. We are all mended now and back to our "normal" amount of crazy. :)
This Father's Day was a mix of emotions for me. I still miss my dad, who is celebrating in heaven for the second year, but it was great to celebrate my father-in-law being here after (once again) defying the medical odds.
Today was also the last day for our church's senior pastor, who God is calling on a great faith adventure. I think it was appropriate that we celebrated him today, as he has been a remarkable spiritual father to his congregation. I encourage you to check out the link below to a newspaper article about Pastor David Holt. He is truly inspiring.
That also means I will be saying goodbye to one of my favorite women, Dede Holt. She has been a tireless supporter of PARENtEEN and a dear friend. I know it will only be a temporary goodbye (and thank God for e-mail!), but I will miss her smile and sweet Georgia accent. Love you, Dede!