Friday, July 24, 2009

Biblical parenting or overprotective?

My 12-year-old daughter announced tonight that her friend's mother thinks I am overprotective. This is apparently largely based on the fact that I have not allowed my daughter to read Twilight (or see the movie, which is rated PG-13).

Although my first reaction to this criticism was to feel offended, I managed to respond to my daughter with, "That's all right. She's entitled to her opinion." I then began my own mental criticisms of the mother in question and decided without a doubt that she was wrong.

After my emotions began to calm, I decided I needed to forgive her. After all, she is not a follower of Christ, so why would she understand? It also occurred to me that I've actually been criticized by Christian parents for not being strict enough.

Now it's time for me to take these things to prayer and ask God if this is still what He wants me to do. Is it possible He used a non-believer to get me to re-evaluate? Sometimes it's just easier to institute rules because we "think" it's the right thing to do, or because it's what all the other Christian parents are doing. I want to make sure I'm in line with His Word and His ways, which are so much better than mine.

Praying for you and your children,

P.S. My daughter and I have talked about the reasons why I don't want her to read Twilight yet. Notice I said "yet." If she wants to read it in a few years, that's fine with me. My issue is not with the vampires, it's with the obsessive behavior of the girl over a boy. I just don't think girls need any encouragement in that area! We have also talked about the obsessive behavior of fans, and I'm trying to help her realize that Twilight is a fad that will pass away.