Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Parental Rights Under Attack

I was first alerted to this issue by an email from a friend.  Upon further study, I was surprised to find it continues to fly under the radar of even the Christian media.  

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is a treaty which is being considered for ratification by the United States.  Under the terms of this treaty, parental rights would be replaced by "the best interests of the child" as defined by an international committee of 18 people in Switzerland.  

According to the ParentalRights.org website, government agencies would have the power to override your parental choices at their whim because they determine what is in "the best interest of the child."   

For example, if your child complains to his school counselor that you make him go to church against his will, a case could be made against you claiming that church is not in the child's best interest.  "This means that the burden of proof falls on the parent to prove to the State that they are good parents - when it should fall upon the State to prove that their investigation is not without cause."  (ParentalRights.org)

Judges across the United States are already denying parental rights.  Others refuse to recognize them because they are not explicitly protection in the United States Constitution.  ParentalRights. org seeks to add a constitutional amendment that "will ensure that the rights of parents to raise their children are honored by federal court judges and recognized above international law."  

I strongly advise you to become educated on this important issue and inform your elected representatives of your position.   

For more information, visit www.parentalrights.org.