Friday, August 22, 2008

In God We Trust?

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."  Proverbs 9:10

This week, several well-meaning American Christians sent me an email urging me to vote in an online MSNBC poll about whether or not we should keep the phrase "In God We Trust" on our currency.  

For those of you living outside the United States, there is a California lawyer who is suing to have the phrase removed because it is a violation of the principle of separation of church and state (which is a phrase thrown around by people who clearly do not understand our country's Constitution).  

Like most Christians, my first reaction to this issue was indignation.  How could they?  What a slap in the face to God!  This country would be nowhere without His blessing.  

Upon further reflection, however, I've decided not to take sides.  It's really OK with me one way or the other.  Before you threaten to take away my "Christian badge" or accuse me of being unpatriotic, let me explain why.  

If we keep it, atheists should relax and be OK with it.  They all have a god in whom they trust; they just don't realize it.  It's usually themselves.  So they can  simply look at their money and say, "In me I trust."  

If we don't keep it, Christians should be OK with it too.  After all, I'm not sure that phrase applies to our country anymore.  Do we really trust in God, as a nation?  The evidence points to the contrary.  We trust in politicians, celebrities, money, power, beauty, and a host of other things that come before God.  

Most importantly, whether or not we have that phrase on our money, God is still God.  He is still on the Throne, and Jesus is still Lord of all, even over the mighty and powerful United States.  In the end, that's really all that matters.