Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hazing in high school

Most of us have heard stories of hazing in college, particularly in fraternities and sororities, but you may be unaware of similar occurrences in high school. A recent study showed nearly half of all high school students have been hazed, and that number is similar to the last study done in 2000.  

Any time teen life is portrayed in the media, whether in a movie or a study such as this, it's interesting to hear perspectives from teens themselves.  The hazing reported included anything from silly stunts to drinking games, leaving the interpretation of the word "hazing" wide open. I'd be curious to hear interpretations of the data from teens out there:  are the statistics realistic or overblown?    

Parents, this is a great conversation starter.  Ask your teens what they think about the numbers, and ask if they have ever been part of a hazing incident (on either the giving or receiving end).